In the summer of 2014, four friends met up with foreign pilots to go on the ultimate paramotor adventure – to tour the American Southwest. Only weeks after the trip, Jeff Toll was tragically killed flying at his home flying field in Chesapeake, VA. Nine months later, remaining members of Team Fly Halo revisited the southwest to honor and commemorate their fallen friend; and to share his story with the world.
This film was made in part with the support of Team Fly Halo. If you’d like to get into the sport with gear, information, or training, please visit their website. Team Fly Halo was formed in 2012 by three innovative pilots that aim to take our sport to the ‘next level.’ They provide the best and most in depth paramotor and powered paragliding training in the industry as well as give their team members a safe, secure way to buy their favorite paramotor products online. They aim to sell the best gear on the market and have partnered with the right companies to make that happen.
If you would like to own a copy of The Toll Road, please select a contribution amount for a link to download this film.
It will help us recover some costs and fund future projects. We appreciate it. Thank you very much!